Corporate Expat Pension Projects

  • A) Total International Optimization

    We are experienced in implementing corporate expat pension projects involving different Continents and Countries and State, Corporate and Private Pension Plans.

    As we focus on results, we see to optimization of all aspects of the project.

    If required we hire additional local specialists ourselves.

  • B) Highest Quality

    Due to all international and technical aspects and taken into account the substantial stakes for parties involved, we believe that only a focus on the highest quality adds value.

    Therefore that is the only approach we offer.

    Less tends to be not constructive and very expensive in the end.

  • C) Flexibility In Case Of Urgency

    We have often seen during mergers that a certain pension project needed to be handled on short notice.

    If your company states such an urgency, we will propose to meet the next day at 9 am.

  • D) Independent Firm

    Companies with international pension issues often mention it was not easy to find an independent pension consultancy firm.

    International pensions are not that often addressed. When they are, it is often by not independent insurance companies instead of an independent pension consultancy firm.

    We are such an independent pension consultancy firm. We cherish our independence. Which is also protected by the rather strict Dutch legislation regarding our governmental license.

  • E) Objective Approach

    Our company has no legal nor financial ties to other companies or organizations.

    During a project we value transparency regarding Scenario’s, Parameters and Advice. This objective approach provides us the mandate to be able to connect with all parties involved.

    Thus we are also often requested to mediate between Company and Expats when they each have a different view.

    Companies and Expats have expressed in the past that they found it pleasant that our company is used to contact with The Board of Global Companies.

  • F) Different Countries/Continents/Systems/Plans

    Our specialization is to take different kind of international pension systems/plans into account and finally provide and summarize the best three options.

    We do not try to appear smart. We focus on providing maximum clearity and simplicity as international pensions are complex enough as it is.

  • G) Pension Issues

    The pension issues that can be part of such a project are among others:

    • Selection of a collective or specific expat pension plan;
    • Executive pension relocation and if required suitable compensation;
    • Merger related Due Diligence;
    • Tax equalization;
    • Future budget projections;
    • Replace a ‘cash pension plan’ for a real pension plan with tax benefits;
    • Individual and collective transfer of value issues;
    • Offshore/QROPS pension issues;
    • Communications with Employees Counsels;
    • Provide a second opinion of the existing situation.
  • H) Implementation Of Project

    To work in the most efficient manner, we are used to the following procedure:

    • We prefer to work full time on a project as this saves time;
    • We require a Power Of Attorney of all Companies and Expats involved;
    • We start when we have received all required Information and Documentation;
    • We first focus on establishing suitable Scenario’s, Parameters and Valuations;
    • We provide a brief update of the progress on a weekly bases;
    • If relatively complex aspects have to be discussed with management, it is often efficient to do this in person.
    • Due to all technicalities and high stakes, we prefer to at the end of the project have individual meetings with the Expats and explain the procedure and recommendations. It gives them a chance to see who is advising about their situation and form their own opinion regarding objectivity and integrity.
  • I) Presentation of Results & Accountability

    During the project we provide each Friday a brief excel update of the Progress on Essentials.

    Regarding the final results, we recommend to provide one complete, correct and relatively easy readable ‘Project Memorandum’. Which includes all facts, wishes, options and recommendations. This document is often quite substantial as it is relevant that all aspects and choices are mentioned and accounted for.

    In order to provide quick oversight we also provide a separate ’Management Summary’. Which one to three page document explains which final choices will probably have to be made and what the implications and costprojections are.

  • J) Global Corporate Clients

    Companies we have provided with international pension consultancy are for example:

    • Expat pension consultancy for executives from for example: AkzoNobel/ASML/BP/DB/ESA/GSK/Ikea/ING/Johnson & Johnson/Morgan Stanley/Netflix/Nike/Philips/Shell/UN/Unilever.
  • K) Contact

    If your company has issues regarding international pension plans, it will be our pleasure to see how we can contribute and present the best possible solutions.

    Feel free to send a mail to: